What is Rolfing®?

Rolfers® are trained to work with fascia, or connective tissue. Fascia weaves through every part of your body in intricate webworks, sheets and bands, wrapping every muscle, bone and organ. It’s what literally gives your body its shape! Fascia is “the organ of structure”—or, more colloquially, “the packing material of the body.” Throughout our lives, our bodies get pulled out of alignment in countless ways, big and small, and these dysfunctions get literally molded into our fascia. They become our shape.

Rolfing® can help with dysfunctions that come from:
  • ‘one time’ incidents like a car crash, or a fall on your bike as a kid.
  • repetitive movements in your daily life
  • poor posture
  • emotional tensions and psychological patterns

All of these random factors combine to create an array of misalignments and imbalances in the soft-tissues of your body. The average, disorganized or “random” body is constantly at war with gravity, potentially resulting in numerous chronic pains (back, neck, hip, etc.) and energy drain. This state of affairs can also create constricted breathing, compressed organs, emotional and attitudinal issues and less free and graceful movement.

“My doctor said I’ve put on an inch and a third in height. He couldn’t understand how it could have happened. I told him: Rolfing.” JD, Hair salon owner